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Sea Goddess Healing Arts Soul Broadcast: August 2022 Leo Season Glow ~ Shining the Light on Our Team

Writer's picture: Sea Goddess Healing ArtsSea Goddess Healing Arts

Updated: Feb 23, 2023

Sea Goddess Healing Arts Collaborative Logo

Hello, and welcome to the Sea Goddess Healing Arts monthly Soul Broadcast!

Our collective intention is to share with you topics and information relevant to current energies, the Healing Arts, tools and modalities, and whatever our Souls are wishing to share with you every month.

This month's Soul Broadcast is very special. In honor of Leo Season, we've decided to shine the light on our beautiful and talented Sea Goddess Healing Arts team, "officially" welcoming and introducing our new team members, and reintroductions to our existing team with some exciting new information and offerings - what we've fondly called "Glow Ups".

We are so honored and grateful to welcome Jennifer Alvarado, The Jane Doe Project, Crystal Jordan, Mid-Mitten Medium, and Krystle Bailey, Author, Publicist and Freelance Writer, to the Sea Goddess Healing Arts team!


Welcome, Jennifer Alvarado and The Jane Doe Project!

Sound Healing

Therapeutic Art

Veteran Support

Artisan Crafts

JENNIFER ALVARADO of The Jane Doe Project is a multifaceted intuitive healer. She served in the armed forces and is now using her artisan gifts to help others. Jennifer utilizes painting, jewelry making, and arts and crafts as forms of therapy. She has a passion for healing trauma and sharing the tools she’s acquired along her journey.

Jennifer suffered from military trauma/sexual trauma for years. Struggling to find peace, she found solace and comfort in sound healing. It was so effective, and she reaped such a positive healing response, she earned her practitioner's certification in sound healing and sound therapy. Jennifer uses her quartz and Tibetan singing bowls to help clients cleanse their chakras, release lower vibrational energy and assists her clients in achieving a calm, meditative flow state.

She is also a newly appointed member and on the Board of Directors for a Veterans non-profit organization called Vetmoto. Vetmoto is an organization aimed to help Veterans with PTSD, as well as youths who have been bullied. They are helping this demographic using motorcycles. Adam Cramer opened his motorcycle shop to help veterans and teens. Adam and his crew teach them how to build motorcycles, race, and brings comradery back to those who feel it’s been lost. He is helping Vets heal Vets as well as leading by example for those who struggle young.

Jennifer has a passion for not only healing her own trauma, but helping others do the same. She is currently selling artwork, as well as offering group or individual sound healing and sound therapy sessions.


Welcome, Crystal Jordan, Mid-Mitten Medium!

Mediumship Readings

Angel Healing

House Cleansings

Spiritual Guidance/Counseling

My name is Crystal Jordan and I have been seeing, hearing, and experiencing spirit for my entire life. I grew up in a small town called Charlotte Michigan and have lived there pretty much my whole life. Growing up as an empathic, spiritual medium was not always easy. I had struggled with family issues, low self esteem, anxiety, and depression for most of my life. On top of that I was always the odd one that no one really connected with.

Of course, life wasn't always horrible. As I got older I learned to "fit in", so to speak, and become what looks to be normal to most. Which to my own detriment helped me fit into social situations. Making it easier for me to make friends and be a part of school activities from fifteen to eighteen years old. I say to my own detriment because as I stopped being myself I grew more anxious, depressed and unable to cope with the emotional problems that I had bottled up my whole life.

Skipping forward to July of 2012, my life was at its lowest point. I had worked as a medical assistant from 2003-2012. I was newly married to a man that would later turn out to be one of the biggest lessons in my life. And I had stopped working completely due to a skiing accident. Not that not working wasn't great, what was awful, was that I had this deep urge to escape quickly from the medical field. I had no clue who I was, where I was going, what I wanted to do and felt utterly lost. A deep mind, soul, body lost that made breathing everyday seem difficult.

I should also state that at this stage in my life I considered myself an atheist. However, I was willing to try anything to find myself. So I pleaded to a God, that I did not necessarily believe in, to show me my path. What am I? Who am I? At this point, pure desperation. In July, my family decided to take a trip to the 1839 Jackson prison for a tour. That whole day had been a disaster for me, anxiety-wise. I remember, I was nervous the moment I woke up.

As we made our way in, they ushered us into what was now a large, open area that looked like a school cafeteria. It felt so heavy to me. I was there for maybe five minutes and heard a male whisper my name. I turned around, no one was there. After that, I was touched, poked and called out to over and over. I blew it all off because I had always heard, seen and felt things that others hadn't.

As we made our way through, we finally got to what is the solitary confinement area. That is when things went from normal spirit stuff, to something I myself could not explain. As everyone else went down the stairwell, I myself could not physically bring myself to walk down the stairs. I wasn't scared per say, just had a deep, "do not go down there" feeling. I tell people that it was like there was an invisible door that I could not bring myself to open.

After five minutes of back and forth with myself, I called myself a baby, took a deep breath and walked through the opening to the stairs. I proceeded down with gusto and as soon as I got with the rest of the group, I became instantly dizzy. So much so that I couldn't see, so I placed my hand on the wall to gain footing. The moment I did that, my world disappeared. I cannot quite explain what I saw or felt because it was everything that had happened in that area. I was punched in the gut by the deepest set of emotions I had ever felt. I saw faces of inmates run at me, into me and through me as they screamed, laughed, cried and begged to be let out. I smelled vomit and urine. That was the moment I blacked out. I do not know what happened but I woke up in a chair upstairs crying uncontrollably.

On the way home, I had told my husband that I needed to contact someone. I knew after being in the medical field myself that if I went to the doctor, I would have some sort of psychiatric disorder. My gut told me that I needed a spiritual adviser and at the time I thought it was because I was possessed. I wasn't but it was the only rational thing that I could think of.

As soon as I got home I made an email and sent it to every spiritual adviser/healer that I could find. Remembering back now, I didn't know who I was contacting where because if I did, I most definitely wouldn't have sent it to someone in New York, but I did. Out of all of the emails that I sent, I received one email back, from Pat Longo. Her sister contacted me back, told me that I was not crazy and set me up with and over the phone healing from Pat.

That is pretty much what leads me to be here, channeling for all of you now. Pat explained that I wasn't sick, or possessed, I was an empathic medium and that I could use it or run from it, but spirit would most likely run faster and meet me where I was going. She gave me hope, paperwork and sent me on my way to learn with my guides. Which I did and it has been a fantastic ride. I am grateful to say that I love what I do and I genuinely feel as though I am exactly where I am supposed to be. Channeling your loved ones, helping give peace through spirit. Helping teach others how to understand what took me so long to get here.

Crystal Jordan

~Mid Mitten Medium~


Welcome, Krystle J Bailey!

Author | Publicist | Freelance Writer

Website Copy



Social Media & More!

Krystle J Bailey is an author, writer, content creator, and poet. Her passion for the written word has served as a vehicle that has taken her on many journeys, including this one. As an intuitive writer, Krystle aims to connect to the heart of the story beneath the story. Whether she is writing a news article or an informational campaign, she understands that readers need to feel in order to connect.

Krystle uses her love of writing to elevate the stories of others. As a professional writer, Krystle’s services include ghostwriting website content and copywriting, email campaigns, social media press releases, blogs, resumes, and more. Whether a business owner isn’t sure what to say, doesn’t know how to say it, or simply doesn’t have the time to write it, Krystle fills in the gaps to bring the story to life. She has worked with clients in a variety of industries including real estate, fashion, horticulture, insurance, wedding planning, and more.

Krystle believes that words have the power to take us places we’ve never been, make us feel emotions we’ve never felt, and connect with other humans on a deeper and more meaningful level. Words have the power and ability to connect us with brands, relatives, and strangers across oceans. Using empathy and intuition combined with the written word, Krystle uses her gifts to bridge gaps between worlds, help people understand one another, and to spread love.

Contact Krystle at or

Krystle J Bailey

Author. Publicist. Freelance Writer.


IG: TheDailyBailey5


Glow Up for Mandee Elam!

Intuitive Ascension Guide and Medicine Woman of the Soul

Co-Founder & GIC/Goddess In Chief, Sea Goddess Healing Arts

Angel Messages

Intuitive Readings

Ascension Guidance

Empowerment Coaching

Mandee Elam

MANDEE ELAM (Co-Founder & GIC/Goddess In Chief, Sea Goddess Healing Arts) is an Intuitive Ascension Guide and Medicine Woman of the Soul. She is gifted to see the soul and where it is on its ascension path in the spiritual awakening process. Mandee intuitively senses stored trauma and unconscious patterns and helps her clients bring them to the surface for healing. This approach teaches her clients how to build trust in the universe and themselves in order to remove patterns and blocks that are keeping them from living their most authentic life.

Mandee has communicated with angels, her spirit guides, had premonitions and saw the divine light within souls her whole life. She believes God is an all encompassing energy of love. As a Spiritual Teacher and Empowerment Coach, Mandee has helped countless clients overcome fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, sadness, and grief leading to finding peace, self love, purpose, and joy.

Mandee works with women and men who are survivors of physical, emotional, and sexual trauma. She is also known as a “healer's healer” and helps high vibrational beings and healers to find the trauma and conditioning that is preventing them from ascending on their soul's path at this time. She helps souls to perform their shadow work and ascend to the next dimension. Mandee works closely with the Angelic Realm and Magdalene Consciousness. Mandee also offers affordable options for those who need assistance. If you are interested in working with Mandee and would like to discuss sliding scale rates, please email her at

Mandee's past experience includes two decades of designing and facilitating educational, recreational and social work programs in several states and municipalities including Vermont, New York and Colorado. Past positions include Assistant Parks and Recreation Director, HUD Housing Counselor, Case Manager, Snowboarding Coach and Aquatics Director. She currently volunteers as a Sea Life Museum Guide at the Marine Mammal Stranding Center in Brigantine. Mandee is wholeheartedly dedicated to healing the ocean, land, and all of its inhabitants.


Glow Up for Ursula Duffy!

Professional Astrologer, Certified Aromatherapist and Cosmic Guide

Co-Founder & GOO/Goddess Of Operations, Sea Goddess Healing Arts

Astrology Readings

Aromatherapy/Astrological Aromatherapy Services



Becoming Chiron Podcast

Ursula Duffy

URSULA DUFFY (Co-Founder & GOO/Goddess of Operations, Sea Goddess Healing Arts): is a Professional Astrologer, Certified Aromatherapist and Cosmic Guide. With her brand Ursa Alchemy, she blends intuitive and healing arts to support the soul. Ursula answered the calling from the universe over 10 years ago. Throughout that journey she learned how to develop her intuition and communicate with spirit while learning the healing arts of Astrology and Aromatherapy. She assists and supports her clients during their own personal transformation by guiding them to open their minds and hearts to the language of the plants, planets and spirit, and to Live in Touch with Their Soul.

For over 15 years Ursula worked as a certified professional Geospatial Scientist mapping for local and federal government. She has been a team leader in every position specializing in organizing, teaching, training and managing projects. As an astrologer Ursula, is shifting into her true calling to create and retrieve cosmic maps to help people navigate and discover their soul's journey. Ursula is available for astrology readings and aromatherapy/astrological aromatherapy consults, and recently launched her own podcast: Becoming Chiron - The Key to Unlocking Healing and Personal Alchemy. Ursula also created the signature aromatherapy blend for Sea Goddess Healing Arts, available for you to experience and enjoy in an Energy Cleansing Spray and Roll-on perfume (both are available in Ursula's store).


Glow Up for Kendra Hammell!

Founder, Higher Self Healing

Crystal Reiki Healing

Crystal Grids


Much More Coming Soon!

KENDRA HAMMELL was born in Wilkes-Barre, PA, and was a NJ resident since the age of 8. She grew up in Brigantine and graduated from Atlantic City High. She studied Studio Art in college but started her Real Estate career and quickly became a professional before graduating school.

Kendra is a type 1 diabetic, heart attack survivor, fibromyalgia warrior and medical marijuana advocate. Her experiences with addiction, abuse, trauma and anxiety brought her to the crystal healing process. She has had tremendous success and much improvement with her quality of life and wants to help others find their light!

Kendra is a level 1 Holy Fire and Archangel Light Reiki trainee and a Usui Reiki Master and Teacher, as well as a Crystal Reiki Master and Teacher. She uses her ability of clairsentience to pick out crystals during a session of healing, as well as claircognizance to guide her through the session. Kendra also makes custom Crystal Grids and offers them as an addition to her healing sessions. Higher Self Healing was born in 2021!

​After Higher Self Healing was born in 2021, Kendra moved to Middle TN in July of 2021 with her husband Clint and daughter Khloe. She currently resides in Fairview and is looking forward to meeting the community and building relationships with like-minded souls.

Kendra creates custom pieces for your home, office, body and garden and creates beautiful gifts. She attends various markets and festivals and will be available in the fall of 2022 for group Reiki sessions in Middle TN, as well as private functions, local classes and vending events.

If any local studios are interested in sharing an event or class with Kendra please contact her at with details and or questions. Let her know how she can support you and your small business and keep the vibration high.

Kendra is the co-host of TOKE & A TALK with Mandee Elam on the Sea Goddess Healing Arts YouTube Channel.

This month is all about New Beginnings for me; it’s like when you're screaming for change and get bangs! Well, luckily I’m over that phase of using my hair and actually just getting into my organized and creative side. This is so unfamiliar to me; it’s not easy but it’s honestly just flooding my being and I have surrendered to it. I’m revamping, redirecting my energy, re-emerging and so looking forward to creating things to make people smile.

I’m looking forward to blessings and connections through my healing sessions and meeting new friends!

This month I wanted to share a grid I made for New Beginnings.

I can’t be the only one experiencing a change and I know that there are lots of students that are going to new schools (my daughter) or new jobs and definitely new houses (me) in this hot ass market!

New Beginnings Vesica Piscis grid by Kendra

When looking at this grid imagine it in front of you and if you have any Citrine, Amethyst, Smokey Quartz, Carnelian and/or Lapis in your home, go ahead and pick them up and put them in front of you!

Cleanse the crystals with sage, or by placing them next to or on a Selenite wand or charging plate.

Set the intention by saying some new beginnings affirmations as follows:

I am open to new possibilities

I am grateful for all I have and all that is to come

I am allowing my blessings to come to me

I used the following shape, you can draw or make this shape easily by joining 2 circles!

Shape - Vesica Piscis - for new beginnings/birth

Generator Stone - Smokey Quartz - releases old patterns - brown to grey/black

Carnelian - creation - red/orange

Citrine - abundance - yellow

Lapis - courage, truth and self awareness - dark blue

Amethyst - protection and success - purple

Anchor - wood

Do whatever resonates and put this grid where you are most likely creating in your home office or studio!

Currently, Higher Self Healing is creating an online store with exclusive products for the Sea Goddess Healing Arts community, as well as my offerings for vending events in the Atlantic City, NJ and the Nashville, TN areas!

To see my crystal boutique, come back soon!

If you would like to carry my products in your small stores and markets please

reach out to me.

Please Follow my Instagram @khamtastic

My TikTok is crystalslayer to see what’s new and being curated with the goddesses.

Happy Healing


Reintroducing Lexi Duquette!

Founder, Mermaid in the Mountains

Lexi's Services & Unique Boutique Store Coming Soon!

ALEXIS "LEXI" DUQUETTE has been from Western to Woowoo on her journey of learning to heal and live an authentically aligned life. Having battled through addiction, depression, ptsd, an intense fear of death since a young age, along with anxiety and many other ailments, Lexi has become a passionate advocate for mental health and self care.

Lexi has learned the value of an ever growing tool box of healthy coping tools and the importance of boundaries and surrounding oneself with great support along her journey. Despite at one point thinking her ADD had cursed her to not sticking with one path, she has learned that the wide array of modalities she has studied over the years and the numerous certifications was always apart of the plan and content for her passion to learn.

As a Mom to 4 kids, Lexi realized the importance of doing her own personal shadow work. It led her to learn about her own inner child, which has had a profound effect not only on her healing journey, but her parenting too. Being able to identify conditioning and multigenerational, handed-down mindsets has led her to see how our own childhoods play a part in our personal lives and parenting. Lexi connects with her inner child to create homemade goods that light her up and bring joy. From enchanted wall hangings, custom blended teas and herbal products, to self care kits, all items are made with the best intentions for self love and bringing harmony and peace into your space.

Lexi has been a family advocate locally, and wants to support parents in their parenting journeys. From pregnancy and breast feeding support, night terror and sleep issues, to childhood diagnosis and fears, Lexi is ready to support parents where needed to help create more harmony in homes.

Lexi uses her intuitive gifts to hold sacred space to create custom offerings that include access to a wide array of healing modalities including manual lymphatic drainage, reiki, sound healing, mediumship, dowsing, EFT, tarot and oracle readings, herbal consultations and more!


Well, what do you think?! We have an incredible team, right?! We are so honored and grateful, and hope that you experience the magick we offer individually and collectively.

Wishing you a wonderful remainder of August and a restful end to the Summer season.

Please continue to join us for all our events - farmers markets, drum circles, festivals and more.

Check out our Events page for details!

Stay tuned to your inbox and the socials - we'll be adding classes again soon starting with the next round of Reaping the Rewards of Retrograde.

With Love, Light & Gratitude,

The Sea Goddess Healing Arts Team


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