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Sea Goddess Healing Arts Soul Broadcast ~ March 2023 ~ The Space in Between

Writer's picture: Sea Goddess Healing ArtsSea Goddess Healing Arts

Updated: Mar 10, 2023

Pisces "The Dreamer" Artwork on Pinterest

Hello, and welcome to the Sea Goddess Healing Arts monthly Soul Broadcast!

Our collective intention is to share with you topics and information relevant to current energies, the Healing Arts, tools and modalities, and whatever our Souls are wishing to share with you every month.

This month's theme is The Space Between and is a special Full Moon edition!

We hope you love and find this monthly offering helpful, and a great resource in your own healing journey. Thank you for tuning into your hearts and our collective Soul space.


The Potent Magic Energy of the Space in Between

by Mandee Elam

(Medicine Woman of the Soul/Co-Founder and GIC at Sea Goddess Healing Arts)

It's wonky and a little awkward, right? The spaces and time in between other times and things going on in our lives. Sometimes it's a season. Sometimes it's a chapter in your life. Sometimes it's a relationship. Sometimes it's a piece of your soul that you can't quite put a finger on. Regardless, you know that you are in a phase where you are in between. Something finished. Something new is going to begin. You're just not quite sure what.

This is the time where we have an opportunity to practice true presence the most. To allow ourselves to truly just be ourselves in the world and simply observe. When we observe, we also have the opportunity to notice the inner rumblings within. The seeds in us that are breaking apart in order to grow. It's such a potent and powerful time. It's so important that we trust in the in between. The only thing constant in life is change. The species that survives is the one that adapts most to change. Not the fastest, strongest or smartest.

This time is where we can truly develop trust and faith if we allow ourselves. To trust that everything is happening for the highest good, especially when we have no idea what's going on. To have faith that wonderful things are going to be revealed. Time where you can focus on here and now. When you do have faith and trust, it helps the Angels, God, The Universe and the Higher Beings to help line up some wildly beautiful things and experiences beyond your imagination. The space in between is one of the most potent points of co-creation.

Below is an offer I created to support you during this most potent time. If it feels in alignment, I would love to hold soul space with you over the next couple weeks.

With love, light, and gratitude,

Mandee Elam


Looking UP in Awe and Wonder

A Full Moon & Saturnian Shift

by Ursula Duffy

(Co-Founder and GOO at Sea Goddess Healing Arts, Professional Astrologer and Certified Aromatherapist/Founder, Ursa Alchemy)

During this time of the year, a time of transition between Winter and Spring, we experience the energetic shift of the seasons, the space in between life cycles and also the end of the zodiac. I felt called to explore the channeled imagery/symbols for the last degrees of Pisces.

The Sabian Symbol:

"A prism."

The Pleiadian Symbol:

"The shifting and modulating of light frequencies creating messages in color."

The Pleiadian Symbol description (from The Circular Temple by John Sandbach):

You discover ways of communicating that are transcendent and which convey subtleties of cosmic meaning. It's not easy to communicate the wonder and complexity of what you perceive because there is so much of it and it happens so fast. But you can allow it to enter you and give you whatever it needs to, so that through you at least a part of it may be radiated to others.

The end of Pisces/the end of the Zodiac teaches us about transcendence. It teaches us about our connection to Source, to the Divine and the Divinity within each of us still present in this human form. From the rainbow of our chakras to the rainbows of our auric field and beyond, blasting out from our hearts to the reality of our immediate surroundings and the infinite eternity of the cosmos.

Amidst all of the confusion, murky waters and liminal space, it's important to remember who we are, our hearts as the Rainbow Bridge connecting us to each other and to Source. The Divine within shines brightly and illuminates the unseen light and energy that exists connecting us all.

Under the energy of today's Virgo Full Moon, and a big energetic shift of the planet Saturn, allow all that is blocking your own Rainbow Bridge to fall away. Connect with your intuition and your Divine light, and connect with everything around you from your Heart.

The World could use more Love.

For more information about the current energies, today's Full Moon and the planet Saturn changing signs, tune into yesterday's episode of the Becoming Chiron Podcast.

The beginning of every episode is my Astro-weather Check:

With Love,


Join me for my new class offering: Lunar Alchemy - How to Create More Magick with the Lunar Cycles. We'll begin under the energy of the Aries New Moon on Wednesday, March 22nd at 7 pm!


Welcoming Triggers & Goddesses in Recovery

by Lexi Duquette

(Mermaid in the Mountains)

Listen to Lexi's thoughts on welcoming triggers, which is a clip from last week's Thursday Night Live Readings. Watch the full video here.

Lexi's newest offering is called Goddesses in Recovery, where Goddesses in and supporting recovery come together to find support, healing and empowerment.

Donation-based, every other Sunday online via Zoom.

Next session is on Sunday, 3/19 at 3:33 pm (EST)


The Power of Hope

by Jess Himmel

(Modern Day Mary Poppins, Intuitive Artist (Orgone Original Works) & Energy Reader/Medium)

Card Message - "Hope is always there, even if we can't see it. Optimistic expectations can help change a negative situation into a positive one."

The Power Of Hope

The Dictionary lists Hope as:

• To want something to happen or be true.

• To desire with expectation of obtainment or fulfillment.

• To expect with confidence. To trust.

I've found myself thinking about the meaning, power, and impact of Hope a lot recently. Without it, I'm not sure where I'd be today. I owe a lot to the concept. Belief and expectation are its key elements, and the thing about Hope, is that it persists...even past the individual.

Hope is a light in the darkness.

Hope is a wish,

It is a belief.

Hope comes from deep within our hearts,

It is the spark that ignites our Dreams.

Hope fuels our Goals.

Hope heals.

Hope is explored by many artists encompassing all genres including music, writing, and film.

In her song Atapos, Bjork sings:

"Hope is a muscle, that allows us to connect."

Image from The Sandman Graphic Novel Series Vol 1. "Preludes and Nocturnes" written by Neil Gaiman

Click here or the image above to check out Neil's work/website.

Below is a clip from the Netflix adaptation of "The Sandman" that correlates with the above image: Episode 4 "A Hope In Hell" Directed by Jaime Childs.

A challenge between Lucifer and Morpheus (The Dream King) where Hope is Dream's final counter to Lucifer's worst blow, winning the battle. Truly believing that Hope is all humanity needs to survive, it is the only thing that will remain after everything is destroyed.

Food For Thought:

• What does Hope mean to you?

• How can we cultivate Hope in our daily lives?

• Where can Hope create movement in our current mindset?


We hope you've enjoyed reading our Soul Blog Post about our interpretations of The Space in Between.

Wishing you a beautiful March!

Join us for our next Sea Goddess Healing Arts Online Soul Circle on Tuesday, 3/28 at 7:30 pm (EST).

We've also started Thursday Night Live Readings!

Thursdays at 7:30 pm (EST) on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel. Like and Subscribe for notifications.

Find out more about all of our many upcoming classes, workshops and events! In-person and Online Offerings.

With Love, Light & Gratitude,

The Sea Goddess Healing Arts Team


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