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Sea Goddess Healing Arts Soul Broadcast ~ November 2022 ~ Dragons

Writer's picture: Sea Goddess Healing ArtsSea Goddess Healing Arts

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

Perhaps The Dreams Are Of Soulmates - Parable Visions Art by Cameron Gray

Hello, and welcome to the Sea Goddess Healing Arts monthly Soul Broadcast!

Our collective intention is to share with you topics and information relevant to current energies, the Healing Arts, tools and modalities, and whatever our Souls are wishing to share with you every month. This month's theme is Dragons. We have a very special guest feature contribution this month by our dear friend and Soul Sister, Jessica Himmel! Some of you may have seen, or may even now have, a piece of her incredible Orgone Original Works, which we added to our display offerings at vending events over the summer. Welcome and thank you, Jessica!

We hope you love and find this monthly offering helpful, and a great resource in your own healing journey. Thank you for tuning into your hearts and our collective Soul space.


Custom Intuitive, Personal Soul Dragon Orgone Energy Piece "Origin Story" and Month of November Offering

by Jessica Himmel - Orgone Original Works

Custom Personal Soul Dragon by Jessica Himmel

My work with the Dragon Energies started very much by accident, a couple of years ago. They found me when I needed them most, and were definitely unexpected. I had zero experience working with Dragons, and really didn't know much about them at all. As an Intuitive Healing Artist and Orgonite maker, I had previously worked with and channeled many different energetics but never Dragons.

In mid May 2020, I reached a point of (perceived) crisis, and had finally given in to complete surrender. I had no option, but to give it all up to The Universe to sort out. In the moments of complete surrender, I put out a very conscious and general call for help. I then ceremoniously called in and invited any supportive, loving energy that wanted to show up for me....Ancestors, The Fae, Earth herself, Gods, Goddesses, Animal Spirit...WHOEVER, WHATEVER...I didn't care. I just knew I needed help from somewhere.

A few days later, I received a silicone Dragon mold as a birthday gift from a friend. It was a beautiful Dragon with big wings, I couldn't wait to try it out! It felt very important to make an Orgone piece with it right away. It was such a new and interesting feeling when making the first Dragon piece...I easily chose the stones and colors while songs came through that wanted to be played. The whole thing basically formed itself. I wrote the songs down and played them as they came in. The energy behind creating it seemed very warm and powerful. I realized that the songs ran along a common theme, which was The Sun.

The first Orgone Dragon piece had formed and revealed itself as a Sun Dragon. When it was finished, I posted a photo and ingredient list on both my personal and business Facebook pages. Within 10 minutes, a woman had messaged me that she absolutely had to buy it, that she knew it was for her. I had a conversation with her, reached a price and set up shipping, etc. I updated the post that The Sun Dragon had sold. Within about a half hour, there were 5 more people wanting one of their own.

I felt excited but also overwhelmed. It was a very big energy that came through while making the piece and I wasn't exactly sure what was going on. I decided to sit in meditation and see if an answer would come. During this meditation, I was enveloped by the most fiercely powerful, yet warm, gentle and loving feeling energy. Visually, it was beautiful colors and light, that swirled and wrapped itself around me. This amazing energy revealed to me that it was The Dragon Collective coming in to help. I had, in fact, called them in myself. It was The Dragons who had answered my plea and come to my aid. I was shocked, because I had never really given them too much thought or attention. Perhaps that's why they came, I'll never know.

I asked this Energy what exactly was going on, what was I supposed to do, etc. I was shown that I was the conduit through which people's personal Soul Dragons would manifest from the Spiritual Realm, into the Physical, as Orgone Energy Pieces. I was given fairly specific instructions on how to proceed. For example, each Personal Soul Dragon energy already belongs to someone, so they are not to be sold in my shop. They are strictly custom works for individuals who seek them. A few have come through with added aspects like songs, each comes with one matching Dragon "Egg" magnet and all stones and colors are channeled through my connection with a person's individual energy field and their Personal Soul Dragon energy. Specific stones or healing intentions are always welcome additions if requested.

Since the first channeled Orgone Dragon piece, I have made over 50 more who have flown all over the world to multiple countries. Their energy visits in waves, so they are not always available.

For the month of November, in honor of Dragon Month here at Sea Goddess Healing Arts, I have opened up space for new orders. They are eagerly waiting to be manifested into the physical world by and for you! Can't wait to connect! Below are some examples of the growing Dragon Family!

Custom Personal Soul Dragons are $65 including shipping inside the Continental US (International shipping is individually calculated).

Please allow up to 10 business days for creation and shipping (inside US).

Connect with Jessica at either link below to see more of her work and to place custom orders, or email her directly at


Looking UP in Awe and Wonder

When Eclipse Season is Here, Dragons Are Near

by Ursula Duffy

(Co-Founder and GOO at Sea Goddess Healing Arts, Professional Astrologer and Certified Aromatherapist/Founder, Ursa Alchemy)

Ursa Alchemy Logo Featuring Ursula's Dragon

My personal Dragon story is very similar to Jessica’s in that the connection came through during a very significant time in my life, it was a surprise and I had an awareness of Dragons, but they were not an energy I had ever intentionally worked with or called into my life. They began showing up in very repeated ways in the Summer of 2017. This was just before Eclipse season; I am sure you all can recall "The Great American Eclipse" in August of 2017. This was not only a very auspicious, total Eclipse collectively. Personally, it was extremely significant because it was just before the second Nodal return of my lifetime. We all experience Nodal returns roughly every 18 ½ years, and they are significant time periods of what I like to refer to as Soul Check-Ins. They usually bring up themes relating to our purpose, alignment with our purpose and whether or not we’re on or off the path to doing the true work we came here to do in this lifetime. Eclipses and the Nodes of the Moon go hand-in-hand, as well as Dragon energy.

Eclipses occur when the South Node of the Moon, or the North Node of the Moon, are within a window of degrees near the Sun; this is why we have Eclipse “Seasons” roughly twice every year. The South Node of the Moon is also known as Ketu, or the Dragon's tail, and the North Node of the Moon is also known as Rahu, or the Dragon's head. You can learn more about the Vedic myth and about these energies by searching for either Rahu or Ketu. When Eclipse Season is here, so are the Dragon elementals. My Astrology teacher calls the two weeks between, or the space between, eclipses dragon holes! The Dragon energies, and my personal Dragon, showed up intensely in 2017 to help me with my nodal return, to nudge me more on path and they showed me the way back to Astrology. I tell the entire story in depth, including ALL the synchronicities in my Becoming Chiron Podcast, Episode 04 - Discovering Your Soul’s Calling - Part 3 - My Spiritual Reawakening, which you can listen to here. Everything that happened during this time was such a magickal, incredible experience. Just like Jessica describes, the energy was so powerful and fierce, but also gentle, kind and caring. The Dragon energies had such an impact on me they were part of the artwork and inspiration for my Ursa Alchemy logo (pictured above). My personal Dragon’s name is Pembrooke.

Pay attention to the subtle energies during Eclipse seasons, and in particular to times between Eclipses like right now. You may notice the Dragons in your awareness, in the clouds, feel their energies or even dream with them. They’re a powerful force, there are many, many different types and they’re here to help us individually and collectively.

Once I realized what was happening during that time in 2017, I began collecting some tools to help me to connect with them more deeply. I purchased Diana Cooper’s Dragon Oracle Cards deck and her book Dragons: Your Celestial Guardians. Diana also has meditations available. A couple of my favorite crystals to assist with connection and work with Dragons are Covellite and Septarian:

Covellite - Stimulates the Third Eye (Psychic Sight), can assist with recognition of the Divine and unconditional love within, is helpful with dream work and can assist with detoxification and removing stagnant energy in the body.

Septarian (aka Dragon Stone or Dragon’s Egg) - Can be helpful with public speaking and confidence, is great for grounding and for transmuting/absorbing energy and can also assist with patience.

Ursula's Covellite and Septarian Crystals

For more information, guidance and tools about this current Eclipse season and Mars Retrograde, please refer to my section in last month’s Soul Broadcast and/or to my recent podcast interview, Navigating Intense Cosmic Energies, below or on the Sea Goddess Healing Arts YouTube channel here.

The first Eclipse was on Tuesday, October 25th, which was a partial Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Scorpio. The second Eclipse will be a total Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon in Taurus next week on Tuesday, November 8th. Eclipse season will end with the Sagittarius New Moon two weeks later on Wednesday, November 23rd. It’s been an intense and chaotic time; I/we are here to support you here at Sea Goddess Healing Arts!


Ursula & Pembrooke


We hope you've enjoyed reading our stories and journeys with our personal and collective Dragons!

Wishing you a beautiful November.

We had such an incredible online Sea Goddess Soul Circle last month that we're offering it again this month on Thursday, 11/17 at 7 pm. Join us!

With Love, Light & Gratitude,

The Sea Goddess Healing Arts Team


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