Welcome to September's Soul Broadcast!
Our collective intention is to share with you topics and information relevant to current energies, the Healing Arts, tools and modalities, and whatever our Souls are wishing to share with you every month.
This month's theme is Facing Failure in honor of the second eclipse season of this year and the changes, endings and eclipsing that can occur during these times.
We hope you love and find this monthly offering helpful, and a great resource in your own healing journey.
Thank you for tuning into your hearts and our collective Soul space.
All specials/coupon codes are highlighted in yellow.
Commenting is turned on for all of our Soul Broadcasts/Soul Blog posts.
Leave a comment and let us know what you think, how this month's theme is helpful to you on your own healing journey and give us feedback!
Facing Failure: Golden Magic 💛✨
by Mandee Elam
(Medicine Woman of the Soul/Co-Founder and GIC at Sea Goddess Healing Arts)
No one wants to fail, right? In fact, we do just about anything in order to avoid facing failure and the shame that may come along with it. Many of us grew up facing a lot of pressure to get things right the first time. Sometimes others and society put this pressure on us. Sometimes it's just ourselves. As a recovering good girl and people pleaser, failure was not an option for me when I was younger. If I did fail at something, I would beat myself up for what seemed like forever. Mandee, you're so stupid! How could you even try? You're such a piece of shit loser ... Blah blah blah... you get the idea. I was straight up nasty to myself like so many of us are. Somewhere along the line in my twenties, I realized that I love to learn by making mistakes. I realized that almost everything I tried was not a success the first time around and to start giving myself a lot more grace. I'm very much a trial and error kind of person.
When I became more conscious in my thirties, I actually started to embrace my failures and treat them like a treasured experience. I would tell myself there's nowhere to go but up from here. Or look at how many people fail before they figure it out or become successful. I think the real failure is not trying. Not getting your hands dirty. Not giving yourself grace to learn and discover. Not allowing yourself to look at things from different angles. That's the only way I can fail these days. If I just put my head in the sand and simply don't do it.
The shaman in me sees that every ending is really the other side of the beginning. So if I try something and it fails, it's really just the other side of starting it again in a different way or trying something new. Just embracing those thoughts gave me so much freedom. It helped me to heal my inner child and let her off the hook. It helped me to get really creative and see things in different ways. It also helped me to loosen the reins and let others lead when it's their time to shine or it's more appropriate. Releasing control is a beauty. I invite you to face failures and see them as opportunities for re-creation. It's truly golden magic.
I'm still running my Inflation sale and would be honored to hold
Soul Space with you. Use code InflationStation with the 1 Hour Session button below.
Looking UP in Awe and Wonder
Adapt & Surrender
by Ursula Duffy
(Co-Founder and GOO at Sea Goddess Healing Arts, Professional Astrologer and Certified Aromatherapist/Founder, Ursa Alchemy)
Once we decided on Facing Failure as September's topic, I spent quite a bit of time contemplating and sitting with it, especially since the second eclipse season of this year will occur during September and October. Eclipse seasons always bring some form of change, so I’ve been drawn to discuss my own adapt and surrender perspective and recognition of the opportunities in “failure”. There are many definitions of and connotations surrounding this word; I am usually most interested in a word’s etymology. You can find the etymology of the word failure online here. The one that’s been resonating most with me is non-conformity, which is how my contribution for this month became titled and focused on adapt and surrender.
At this point in my life, when something doesn’t work out as planned or as anticipated, I’m not one to view the outcome as a failure. The word isn’t really part of my vocabulary or description of anything at all usually. I associate it with conditioning that begins in traditional schooling and grading systems, which I think is also responsible for the emotions and connotations surrounding the word. In my own childhood, there was conditioning to steep in very low vibration feelings such as shame and guilt as a result of receiving an F in a subject, on a test, a paper, etc. I think, as a society, we’ve adapted and surrendered quite beautifully relative to when I was a child/young student with homeschooling, non-traditional education, charter schools and alternative programs. We’re all unique individuals and do not all fit in the same mono systems or proverbial boxes of traditional, standard education or grading systems. Education platforms that celebrate and encourage creativity, different perspectives and innovative thinking are now flourishing. I’m optimistic about this, as I hope that it will be second nature to younger generations to have the adapt and surrender perspective rather than having to develop it as a process of non-conformity.
When flirting with the territory of what would typically be considered an F or a failure, I begin searching within as well as taking an analytical approach to how things can be done differently. I think about what didn’t work as planned and what I can do to produce a different outcome. What can I learn, how can I grow and what needs to fall away are my usual self-inquiries. I think a big part of this process is also how one perceives “success”. That’s a whole other deconditioning process that goes hand in hand with reconsidering failure as an opportunity to adapt and surrender rather than spiraling into shame, guilt, fear, etc.
Growing into this attitude and perspective has been a very long journey, process and a very deeply rooted form of personal rebellion. I grew up in the 80s and 90s, and my early schooling began in very traditional systems. My first four years of grade school were spent in Catholic school and my first-grade teacher was a nun, Sister St. Adrianne, who would use a ruler for discipline. Wearing a uniform, literally and figuratively, conformity, being boxed in and fear of failure were my conditioning to the max. My mother was a teacher before becoming a mother, and the strictness and tough discipline were part of my home environment too. Anything less than a B was unacceptable and a punishable offense. We weren’t allowed to stay home from school unless we had a fever. Perfect attendance and a straight As report card were rewarded; $5 for every A. After fourth grade, I was switched to public school, in which I continued until graduating high school. Public school was way more relaxed relative to Catholic school, but all standardized systems were the same. I was involved in sports all throughout grade and high school as well, both individual and team, so the push not to fail or lose extended beyond the classroom in that form too. I continued on to college, holding myself to this standard rather than my teachers or parents, yet the conditioning was my default mode at this point. I received my first ever C my freshman year, and almost embodied Sister St. Adrianne myself, ruler and all. After college and upon entering the workforce, I pushed myself in all the same ways. I was probably 23 the first time I ever missed a day of work because I was too sick and I cried when I had to call in. I think at this point the level of conditioning is understood, and how it continued into my early adulthood was something that took decades from which to decondition and liberate myself. I know that my parents were doing their best to raise and parent us. I’m the oldest of four children, and they began a more relaxed form of parenting by the time my youngest sister was born. I do not regret any of it, and am actually extremely grateful for the qualities I now have because of it all, as well as being where I am now and having a completely different perspective.
I’m grateful to have the opportunity to recognize and break the patterns.
I’m telling this story to illustrate that, despite upbringing, childhood, background and conditioning, anyone can learn to rethink, revise and perceive differently societal norms such as fearing failure. Anyone can flip the script and change one’s attitude and behavior from conformity to non-conformity, adaptation, personal growth and surrender. Anyone can see something that is typically perceived as an event or outcome that “should” elicit shame and guilt as an opportunity to create something new, to innovate, to rebel and to effect change for future generations. This is how we expand our consciousness, this is how we ascend and this is how we break patterns, nip projection in the bud and become better humans. We all are future ancestors, and it’s up to us to personally make the differences that ripple out into the collective and become examples and motivation for others. Failure, to me, is just another 4-letter word.
As we enter the second eclipse season of this year (September 2nd - October 17th), I invite everyone reading this to embrace whatever happens with the adapt and surrender process and perspective. Try it on, feel out how it fits, and see if it’s a preferable alternative. Our May 2024 Soul Broadcast was all about surrender, and you can find that and my contribution here. I tell a much more detailed version of my story and deconditioning process in Season 1 of Becoming Chiron.
As always, I’d be honored to be a guide for your own journey. All of these experiences are a vibrational variation of expression written in my own natal chart.
The discounts I'm offering for the remainder of the Summer Season are $44 savings on a 60-Minute Astrology Reading (use code URSULA44) and 20% savings on my Goddess Dreams Night-Time Linen Spray (use code GODDESSDREAMS20), which could be very helpful with returning to back to school sleep schedules!
An example of my own personal adapt and surrender is a crowdfunding campaign that will be active until my 44th birthday on October 6th. My goal is to raise funds from my audiences that will support me in continuing to offer all of the creative projects currently available for free such as my podcast, weekly horoscopes, Astro-Weather Checks, etc. Learn more about it and contribute by clicking here.
Links to all of my services, classes, guided meditations, Signature Aromatherapy products and Becoming Chiron episodes are below, as well as my Cosmic Connection Weekly Horoscopes in South Jersey's Shore Local Newsmagazine (tap/click to get to their website and then search for "horoscopes"):
From my deconditioning to yours,
Welcome to September!
by Jess Himmel
(Modern Day Mary Poppins, Intuitive Artist (Orgone Original Works) & Energy Reader/Medium)
Hello and Welcome to September! We've made it through the summer! It was definitely full of lessons and processing here, but with many gems scattered throughout.
This month we chose to address something everyone experiences, and that is facing failure. There are many paths to take and choices to make when dealing with this. I have tuned into the energy around the subject, and pulled some card spreads to perhaps provide some guidance and road signs for us along our collective journey.
I have pulled 3 cards from 3 decks to help us navigate. First, The Crystal Card Deck may help you know which stones could aid you and be helpful to have near or carry. Then, The Angel Guide Oracle Deck By Kyle Grey and Last, The Dream Weaver's Oracle Deck By Collette Baron-Reid. Let's take a look at what advice they have.
Each Card has unique artwork that can also be interpreted more personally, please know there can be many messages in the images beyond the written book.
Crystal Card Deck 3 Card Spread
(Pictured with Clear Quartz Points, Black Tourmaline (bottom) & Ruby Zoisite Between Snowflake Obsidian (top))
Angel Guide Oracle Deck By Kyle Gray 3 Card Spread
(Pictured with Clear Quartz Points, Black Tourmaline (bottom) & Ruby Zoisite Between Snowflake Obsidian (top))
Dream Weaver's Oracle by Collette-Baron Reid 3 Card Spread
(Pictured with Clear Quartz Points, Black Tourmaline (bottom) & Ruby Zoisite Between Snowflake Obsidian (top))
The 3 Crystal Cards have listed on them what they help with energetically. Having these near or wearing them can help support us. The book meaning of the next 6 cards are included here, however looking deeper into the colors, symbols, and personal feelings you get can provide further insight. If you'd like a personalized reading with me, I'd love to connect!
I hope these images and words resonate and would love to take a deeper look if you feel drawn to work with me. I provide thoughtful intuitive energy/card readings as well as mediumship readings. Included is a 25% off coupon code for 60 minute sessions (JESSMAY25). Also still running, are my Personal Orgonite Soul Dragon offers, in honor of the upcoming eclipse season that starts this month.
Blessings and Light,
We still have plenty of merch options for the warmer weather!
Use code SUMMERSALE20 to save 20% on your order from now until the end of September!
Tanks, hats and totes for your end of Summer adventures are available.
We've compiled all of our reviews into one place/page on our website!
Leave us a review on our website, on our Facebook Page and/or on our Google Business Page. We value and appreciate your feedback.