2 hours of Soul Space with Professional Ascension Guide, Mandee Elam and Professional Astrologer, Ursula Duffy.
This collaborative service is a combined Inutitive/Angelic Tarot reading and a Birth Day Sky natal chart reading.
We invite Spirit into each session and will pull Tarot/Oracle Cards and share all messages that come through during our time together.
A recording, photos of cards and PDF copies of all Astrology charts are included with this service.
Intuitive Guidance & Astrology Reading
Cancellation Policy for Scheduled Appointments
A minimum of 24 hours notice is required to cancel your appointment, or a 50% cancellation fee will apply.
If you need to reschedule, please make every effort to let us know within 24 hours of your appointment time.
Abandonment of your appointment is non-refundable.
While Intuitive Readings can be supportive to your healing journey, readings are for entertainment only. They are not a substitute for therapy or situations and conditions requiring professional medical assistance.
By purchasing any service or product from Sea Goddess Healings Arts, you are certifying that you acknowledge the above disclaimer and that you are at least 18 years of age.
Any personal information entered on this site is secure and will never be provided to others or sold. Your privacy is important.