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Sea Goddess Healing Arts Soul Broadcast ~ January 2024 ~ The Beauty in the Frost

Writer's picture: Sea Goddess Healing ArtsSea Goddess Healing Arts

Updated: May 1, 2024

Welcome to January's Soul Broadcast!

Our collective intention is to share with you topics and information relevant to current energies, the Healing Arts, tools and modalities, and whatever our Souls are wishing to share with you every month.

This month's theme is The Beauty in the Frost.

We hope you love and find this monthly offering helpful, and a great resource in your own healing journey.

Thank you for tuning into your hearts and our collective Soul space.

All specials/coupon codes are highlighted in yellow.


The Beauty of the Frost

by Mandee Elam

(Medicine Woman of the Soul/Co-Founder and GIC at Sea Goddess Healing Arts)

I find frost and snow to be two of the most magical and beautiful things that I witness in this world. Watching frost form is truly magic before our eyes. A liquid turns into vapor. Then forms into beautiful crystalline patterns that gently coat every crevice of the outdoor surface. I find frost necessary. It makes you give gratitude to warmth, sunlight and growth. It also brings beauty to things that are dying. It slowly puts them to sleep and helps them to transition into what is next. 

Frost and ice are also able to preserve beauty. To keep secrets from times past for us to melt and reveal later on. We've learned so much of our history from things that have been revealed from the ice. We also use it as an incredible tool to preserve food and other things to help sustain us. As we move into winter, I invite you to notice what's ready to freeze, die or be preserved within your own life. Can you support this energy within yourself? Most importantly, how can you see the beauty in it? 

Wishing you all warm hugs on cold nights this season.

As always, if you'd like to hold soul space with me, I would be honored.

Please use the coupon "Mandeelive" for 50% off any session with me.


Looking UP in Awe and Wonder

Fixed Air and the Snowflake

(From a Northern Hemisphere Perspective)

by Ursula Duffy

(Co-Founder and GOO at Sea Goddess Healing Arts, Professional Astrologer and Certified Aromatherapist/Founder, Ursa Alchemy)

January 2022 Blizzard in Atlantic City, NJ (Photo by Ursula)

As I wrote in last month’s Soul Broadcast, I absolutely love this time of the year. Once the November and December holidays pass, we have the opportunity to sink deeply into our inner Winter. In the stillness and in the beginning of a new calendar year, there is great opportunity. The December 21st Solstice marks the beginning of Capricorn Season, which is a Cardinal sign. The Cardinal signs all start with the energy of a new meteorological season, roughly; the Cardinal modality is that of a beginning, starting something new and/or an initiation. In January, the Cardinal energy shifts into that of fixed energy when Aquarius season begins (around January 20th), which is the energy of holding steady, digging in and settling. Aquarius season is when we settle into Winter, and with Winter comes snow! Hopefully…here in Southern New Jersey, it’s relatively rare, however it’s one of my favorite things. I deeply appreciate everything about snow, which is where I personally find the beauty in the frost.

Snow smells unlike any other precipitation

Snow sounds unlike any other precipitation

Snow FEELS unlike any other precipitation

Snow looks unlike any other precipitation

Snow tastes unlike any other precipitation

And finally…Snow’s vibe is unlike anything else in the World!

Think about it. Is there another time that we get to be surrounded by an unfathomable amount of  tiny ice crystals that are each individual and unique? Think about how the air pressure and the moisture have to be exactly right in order to form a snowflake, to be fixed into that form and shape. Think about the white color and its purity and beauty. Think about how perfectly the season (Aquarius is fixed air) demonstrates the as above, so below principle in its primary form of weather/precipitation. Each unique snowflake is the perfect combination of air and water, as is frost. When we can shift our perspective away from the cold and feeling uncomfortable with the stillness, we can truly appreciate the astounding beauty of Winter, of Snow and Snowflakes, of a beach covered in even more crystals and the perfect divinity in it all.

This month I invite you to reflect on how Winter and Snow dazzle our primary senses and those beyond the physical. I invite you to notice how the longer nights gift us more time to bathe in the Moonlight. How you experience Winter and Snow and what cherished memories you relate to this time of the year. I invite you to look UP in awe and wonder the next time Snow begins to fall around you, and shift the experience to one with all of your senses, and see what you may begin to notice differently. How can you find more beauty in the frost?

In Case You Missed It!

Astrological Themes in Cinema Star Lounge: It's a Wonderful Life

We had a lovely evening on the Winter Solstice exploring the Astrological themes in the cherished holiday season classic film It's a Wonderful Life.

The replay is available on our YouTube channel.

Happy Birthday Capricorn & Aquarius!

Have you ever had a Solar Return Astrology Reading?

It provides an in-depth forecast of the energy and themes of your

personal year ahead.

Use coupon code SOLARRETURN to save $20 on the Sun's Return Reading!

With Warmth & Love,


Dear Journal...

by Lexi Duquette

(Mermaid in the Mountains)

Dear Journal…..

Dear Journal…..

Despite the lack of snow physically, this season has brought on a freeze like no other. It has felt like a frost of my mind, body and soul. A deep freeze to my core you could say. I feel frozen within my self and the many overwhelming thoughts and stirrings of repressed emotions mixing with ruthless realizations. It’s as if the junk closet inside of me is overstuffed with memories of traumas and dramas, ready to explode out just like the junk closets of my home- both in dire need of a purge and reorganization.

The freeze comes in to remind me that this is truly the best time to listen to the season, to go within, to go dark, to go silent. To most importantly allow for things to die off if I want to make room for what’s to come this year and in the next season. I’m making friends with Jack Frost and learning his ways of allowing things to freeze out and how to make something beautiful in the darkest and

coldest of times.

This is my opportunity to exercise my trust in the universe and in the process. To trust in the seasons of life. I may feel frozen now but spring will come and the thaw will happen and the reward of the experience will bloom in beautiful mysterious ways if I just trust the process of the freeze.

Lexi is offering a special 33-minute "Deep Freeze Tarot Reading/Soul Session" for January! $33.33!


Beauty in the Frost, Pausing to Reflect

by Jess Himmel

(Modern Day Mary Poppins, Intuitive Artist (Orgone Original Works) & Energy Reader/Medium)

Deep Freeze Oracle Card 26 from the Enchanted Map Oracle

"Everything has its season. Now is the time to put activity on hold while you rest.”

The Deep Freeze card lets us know that it is time to slow down and take a pause. While action steps are necessary and right, at times what is needed is quiet and reflection. The cold winter beckons you to slow down and put a “freeze” on things that are not yet ready to bloom. It’s time for regeneration and hibernation. A pause allows ideas to gestate, for projects to shift and change, and relationships to go through a dreamy state of being...not going anywhere—not needing to. 

Self-care is the most important activity reflect, rest and dream. This is a time for us to go inside, physically and internally. It’s time to contemplate and review the year. Honor whatever has happened over the previous several months with gratitude and forgiveness. Then let it go.

Allow yourself some solitude so you can spend some quiet, slow time in reflection of your present life.

What are you grateful for?

Who do you want to be in the year to come?

Are you feeling the stillness and withdrawal of winter?

What truth can the quiet reveal?

To me, The Deep Freeze IS The Beauty in The Frost.

To honor The Year Of The Wood Dragon, and in expression of appreciation for all of you, I'm continuing my Custom Personal Orgonite Dragon offering into the new year and have a 25% off coupon code for 60 min Personal Oracle/Energy Readings with me JESSGRATITUDE for use at checkout.

Thank you all so much for your support of Sea Goddess Healing Arts!



Custom Personal Soul Dragons are $65 including shipping inside the Continental US (International shipping is individually calculated).

Please allow up to 10 business days for creation and shipping (inside US).

Below are some new examples of the growing Dragon Family!


Special savings on merch through the end of January!

We have hoodies and long sleeve T-shirts for the cooler weather months.

Adorn yourself or a loved one with our beautiful, mesmerizing logos!

Use coupon code SGHOLIDAY to save 10% on your order.

Note: You will be required to create an account to use the coupon.


Our Early Snowbird rate has flown away, but tickets are still available! The retreat is now half full!

Join the Soul Garden Membership and save: 20% ($111) off tickets.


We hope you've enjoyed this month's theme and all of our contributions. Wishing you a January filled with peace, tranquility and discovering

Beauty in the Frost!

Thank you for being here with us!


With Love, Light & Gratitude,

Mandee, Ursula, Lexi and Jess


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