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Sea Goddess Healing Arts Soul Broadcast ~ July 2023 ~ Tending Our Gardens

Writer's picture: Sea Goddess Healing ArtsSea Goddess Healing Arts

Updated: May 1, 2024

Hello, and welcome to the Sea Goddess Healing Arts monthly Soul Broadcast!

Our collective intention is to share with you topics and information relevant to current energies, the Healing Arts, tools and modalities, and whatever our Souls are wishing to share with you every month.

This month's theme is Tending Our Gardens.

We hope you love and find this monthly offering helpful, and a great resource in your own healing journey.

Thank you for tuning into your hearts and our collective Soul space.


Tending Your Garden

by Mandee Elam

(Medicine Woman of the Soul/Co-Founder and GIC at Sea Goddess Healing Arts)

Us humans are wildly wonderful creatures. Just like animals, plants, flowers, and trees. We are each unique and require different conditions, fertilizer, and maintenance in order to thrive. Some of us need full sun, while some of us need shade. Some of us need to be saturated in water and some of us enjoy a more dry climate. Truly, to each their own.

This is why it's so important to get to know yourself and what it is you need to thrive. We are full spectrum and we need to tend to each part of us. What does your body need to thrive? What kind of foods serve you and make you feel lifted? What kind of rest and meditation do you need? I'm an 8 to 10 hour sleeper. Always have been, always will be, or I'm a little off that day. What does your spirit need? Do you enjoy meditation, praying, going to a service at a church or a circle, journaling, creating altars, having rituals with yourself, communing with nature, having heart to heart discussions with a trusted soul? What fills your cup? And are you creating the time in your life to serve you?

It's really hard in our world to carve out the time for ourselves. Almost everything we're taught and exposed to in our society makes us distracted from taking care of ourselves. Tending to your garden is a radically beautiful act. It will only serve you and the world in a more positive way.

Honor your seasons. Drop your leaves and release when you need to. Go dormant during your inner winters. Put some fertilizer in your soil when it needs it. Give yourself plenty of sun, water, and shade to cool off when need be. Look at yourself in awe when you're in bloom and appreciate it. Welcome the worms, the winged creatures, and the cleansing rains. They all help inspire us and move energies. During this bountiful season, it's a beautiful time to take inner inventory and see what action steps you can take to tend to your garden a little more.

With love, light, and gratitude always,


Want to hold soul space with me?

Click the button below to check out my booking page.


Looking UP in Awe and Wonder

When the Field is Fallow

by Ursula Duffy

(Co-Founder and GOO at Sea Goddess Healing Arts, Professional Astrologer and Certified Aromatherapist/Founder, Ursa Alchemy)

When we conceptualize our lives in terms of a garden, a beautiful metaphor and symbolism are formed. Gardens have many phases, appearances, sizes and varieties. In locations with seasons, gardens flow with the weather patterns. In more tropical climates, they may be fruitful all year long. Yields of food, flowers, etc. are dependent on so many conditions. Our gardens, and lives, are in tune with the Cosmos, Lunar cycles and reverberate to the natural law of correspondences (as above, so below, as within so without…). Seeds are planted with New Moons and blossom with Full Moons. There are times for planting, for tending, for weeding, for pruning and for nothing at all.

One of the garden phases on which I’d like to focus is when the field is fallow. Not when it’s fallow due to seasonal conditions, but when it’s fallow purposefully. Farmers that practice regenerative agriculture will rotate plantings and fields purposefully leaving some fallow so that the soil can recover and rejuvenate. The quality of the soil is of the utmost importance for a productive, fruitful and abundant garden!

The purposefully fallow field is an important symbol. It’s important to know that growth, manifestation and abundance cannot be forced. Planting seeds in infertile soil can yield nothing. When this is happening in our lives, perhaps it’s time to take a cue from the farmers and to leave the field fallow. It’s against the grain, pun intended, and contrary to the conditioning of our modern society. We are conditioned to go, go, go, do, do, do, achieve, achieve, achieve. I think one of our biggest lessons in this Earth school is to find and be ok with the nonproductive times. Whether it’s an idea, a child, a creative endeavor, if it’s not manifesting it’s not in divine timing. Perhaps the conditions aren’t right. It’s time to go within, focus on the quality and richness of the soil, plant no seeds and purposefully leave the field fallow. Our lives are our Soul Gardens, and it’s important to recognize our own cycles, sink deeply into the voids and intend to produce again when our Soul Soils are rich, fertile and ready once again for a new garden.

I am personally in my own time of fallow, and I’d be honored to assist you with yours. Our natal charts are our Soul’s Lesson Plans and can assist us on our journeys.

Click below to explore all of my offerings and opportunities to Live in Touch with Your Soul.

Happy Birthday Cancer & Leo!

Have you ever had a Solar Return Astrology Reading? It provides an in-depth forecast of the energy and themes of your personal year ahead.

Use coupon code SOLARRETURN to save $20 on the Sun's Return Reading!

With Love,


Tending Your Soul Garden

with Lexi Duquette

(Mermaid in the Mountains)

As I tend to my garden beds I am reminded of tending to my own Soul Garden, that garden bed within me. It’s as if my garden bed filled with overgrowing weeds surrounding the Seeds I intentionally planted are Spirit’s way to plant seeds and remind me to think about all the “weeds” within my own Soul Garden. A reminder that due to the lack of “intentionally tending to” can cause your Garden to get messy unintentionally. I can’t create the garden I dream of without intention and action and the same goes for my soul garden. Without getting intentional and putting action to those intentions my Soul Garden gets chaotic and overwhelming. Just like my garden beds that need regular care and attention,

so does my Soul Garden.


Gardening Season is Upon Us!

by Jess Himmel

(Modern Day Mary Poppins, Intuitive Artist (Orgone Original Works) & Energy Reader/Medium)

I find so much healing while in the garden. Gardening is when I am most able to meditate. The action of tending the plants helps me to slow down, pay attention, and take real notice of things. As I've been spending time with my vegetable and flower gardens, I have also been taking some time within to process events and heal an injury. I appreciate the time for tending our Soul Gardens as well. The growth and life in a garden is very symbolic of and can parallel our own lives.

To help us all Tend Our Soul Gardens this month, I've drawn some cards from my favorite Flora & Fauna deck and included my all time favorite gardening song "Datura" by Tori Amos. The piano is very cyclical sounding with musical layers and the lyrics are a list of the plants in her garden at the time with a call for anyone not approving to "Get Out Of My Garden". It's a favorite, and I've been gardening and bopping to it since 1999.

I hope the cards and song enhance your soul gardening experience this month and always!

-Datura By Tori Amos-

-3 Card Spread: Past, Present, Future-

Woodland Wardens Oracle Deck By Jessica Roux

-Snowflake Obsidian Tumbles-

-Orgone Pyramid Made With Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Selenite, Green Aventurine, Aluminum Shavings, Pink & Blue Glitter, Resin-

If you feel that a longer, more personalized, in depth Intuitive Card/Energy Reading would help Tend Your Soul Garden please reach out, I'd love to provide that space for you! I have 30 minute and 60 minute options available through our website.

Love & Blessings,


Datura Plant


We hope you've enjoyed this month's theme and all of our contributions. Wishing you a beautiful July and Summer season!

Thank you for being a member of our Soul Garden Tribe!


With Love, Light & Gratitude,

Mandee, Ursula, Lexi and Jess


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