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Sea Goddess Healing Arts Soul Broadcast ~ May 2023 ~ May You Call in Love and Abundance

Writer's picture: Sea Goddess Healing ArtsSea Goddess Healing Arts

Weavers Share Their Magic Tea Card - The Dream Weaver's Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Hello, and welcome to the Sea Goddess Healing Arts monthly Soul Broadcast!

Our collective intention is to share with you topics and information relevant to current energies, the Healing Arts, tools and modalities, and whatever our Souls are wishing to share with you every month.

This month's theme is May You Call in Love and Abundance.

We hope you love and find this monthly offering helpful, and a great resource in your own healing journey. Thank you for tuning into your hearts and our collective Soul space.


Love & Abundance

by Mandee Elam

(Medicine Woman of the Soul/Co-Founder and GIC at Sea Goddess Healing Arts)

Photo of Mandee Elam

Simple but not easy. When it comes down to it, you just got to be what you desire. If you want love, you need to be love. Like for real, true, egoless, unconditional love. Be it, as much as you can to your current capacity. If you want money and success; believe, feel, and see where you are already abundant in life. Give your abundance deep, in detail, gratitude to attract more of it. If you want to obtain health and wellness, invest in yourself. Show up and do the things that reflect being the healthy you desire. Moment by moment, decision by decision, feeling by feeling, you become it. Like I mentioned, simple but not easy. It takes time, moon cycles, effort, personal changes, work, and true transmuting of the way we speak to ourselves to tune our purest frequencies. It's a beautiful dance and a lifetime's work. Be gentle with yourself and hold yourself accountable, so that you may become what you desire. Feel into your future. In a really good way. Be open to receiving it. Know you are worthy and deserve all you desire.

With Love for the Highest Good of All,

And So It Is, Amen, Aho,


Photo Credit: Jennifer Searles of Serendipity Photography


Looking UP in Awe and Wonder

Taurus and the Material World

by Ursula Duffy

(Co-Founder and GOO at Sea Goddess Healing Arts, Professional Astrologer and Certified Aromatherapist/Founder, Ursa Alchemy)

The Sun shifted into the zodiac sign of Taurus on Thursday, April 20th, shortly after the potent Aries New Moon/Solar Eclipse and will be in Taurus until May 21st. The qualities of Taurus include comfort, security, stability, strength and sensory experience through the physical body and material things. There are many facets of Taurus. It is a feminine Earth sign, its modality is Fixed, its animal is The Bull and it is ruled by the planet Venus. It relates to the physical world, things we can experience through all of our senses: plants, rocks, food, our "threads", money, pleasure and sensuality. Extreme Taurus energy can be materialistic, indulgent, possessive and stubborn. The fixed modality holds energy, is slow moving and can be very resistant to change. The planetary energy present during the Aries New Moon was catalyzing and infused this Taurus season with bold momentum inspiring change and shifts in perspective.

Let's review some words associated with this month's theme (definitions from

abundance [ uh-buhn-duhns ]


an extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply: an abundance of grain. overflowing fullness: abundance of the heart. affluence; wealth: the enjoyment of abundance.

wealth [ welth ]


a great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches: the wealth of a city. an abundance or profusion of anything; plentiful amount: a wealth of imagery. Economics.

  1. all things that have a monetary or exchange value.

  2. anything that has utility and is capable of being appropriated or exchanged.

rich or valuable contents or produce: the wealth of the soil. the state of being rich; prosperity; affluence: persons of wealth and standing.


[ pros-per-uhs ]


having or characterized by financial success or good fortune; flourishing; successful: a prosperous business. well-to-do or well-off: a prosperous family. favorable or propitious.

Each zodiac sign has a spectrum of vibrational expressions and works in tandem with the opposite sign. The extreme, lower vibrational expressions of Taurus are embodied when we limit ourselves, and cling to the material world and outdated constructs that have been crumbling for some time now. We can look to the zodiac sign opposite Taurus for some hints about a different vibrational expression. Scorpio teaches us about the non-physical world, emoting and transformation. When we tune our senses beyond the physical, to Universal energy, and begin to work with natural rhythms of our bodies, the Earth and Spirit, we can then begin to release old patterns and truly transform. Intentionally raising the vibration individually raises the vibration collectively.

How can you begin to reconsider the above words and definitions and recognize the higher vibrational expression?

The Cosmos are currently teaching us about raising the vibration through transformation, and have been dosing us with heavy emphasis on Taurus/Scorpio themes for over a year. The energy has been building up this week and will culminate with Friday's Scorpio Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse. It's a perfect opportunity to release old patterns and begin intentionally to shift into higher vibrational expressions of these energies. Release and shedding also create space for new energy to flow.

What is abundance? What is true wealth? What does it mean to be prosperous?

The Scorpio Full Moon is also known as Wesak, and aligns with Buddha, one of the greatest teachers of vibration, transformation and consciousness.

Open Your Heart and Discover your Inner Buddha!

Happy Birthday Taurus & Gemini!

Have you ever had a Solar Return Astrology Reading? It provides an in-depth forecast of the energy and themes of your personal year ahead.

Use coupon code SOLARRETURN to save $20 on the Sun's Return Reading!

I'm recording and posting a new episode of Becoming Chiron tomorrow.

Tune in to learn more about our Astro-Weather and Friday's Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse; I provide an Astro-Weather Check at the beginning of every episode!

With Love,


May You Welcome in The Flow of Abundance

by Lexi Duquette

(Mermaid in the Mountains)

According to the law of abundance, if you believe that there is enough health, wealth and happiness for everybody then there is and you will attract it (Law of Attraction). Most of us aren’t even aware of all the forms of abundance that are already flowing in our lives. It’s not until we bring our attention to the abundance already flowing into our lives, and show gratitude for what we already have, that the magnetic pull for even more abundance is created. So why not take a look around at all the different forms of abundance and see what is already flowing into your life? Show gratitude and acknowledge the flows of abundance already here and see what else begins to follow.

Just 5 Of My Favorite Forms of Abundance:

1. SynchroniciTITTIES

2. Imagination - Free Will To Think Freely & Dream

3. Communication - Speaking Your Truth - Open Communication with Others

4. Being Given Gifts - not just physical gifts but gifts of experiences, lessons, love, gratitude, etc.

5. Having Something to Share/Trade/Give - again not just physical gifts but energy, lessons, love, gratitude, support, etc. (your cupeth overfloweth and we don’t even realizeth)

Journal Prompts:

  • Make a list of all the abundance that has been flowing in. Say thank you to each one.

  • What are other forms of abundance in your life that you haven’t acknowledged and how can you show gratitude for ALL these flowing forms of abundance??

  • How can you make room inside and outside for all the that's still to come???

3 Card Spread:

Card 1 - What do you need to bring more self love into your life?

Card 2 - What do you need to bring more Abundance into your life?

Card 3 - What do you need to clear out to make room for what's to come?


Thoughts On The Nature Of Time: Past, Present, Future

by Jess Himmel

(Modern Day Mary Poppins, Intuitive Artist (Orgone Original Works) & Energy Reader/Medium)

Time Oracle Card - Sacred Earth Oracle Deck

- Card Message -

Earth does not know what day or Millennium it is. Time is a construction, the calendar we follow means nothing to her. The sunrise doesn't wait for an alarm to ring. Measured Time cannot impede the turning of the tide, or the changing of the season. There are no expectations of where you should be right now. The moment is forever, forever is now.

I've thought a lot recently about Time being Nonlinear, as well as Simultaneous Time. It would mean that past, present, and future all happening right now, in the same moment...instead of consecutive order, is possible.

If I look at Time through the lens of Physics, I do understand it. However, I can understand it only to a certain point. I struggle the more complex it gets.

When I look at the concepts of Nonlinear Time and Simultaneous Time through the lens of emotion, trauma and healing, I can grasp it much more fully.

In my experience, past, present, and future Time can easily, and often do exist simultaneously inside of us, as memories, thoughts and perception.

For example, we can be viewing and making decisions in the present, through eyes of past trauma or future expectations.

Tori Amos sings the lyric "It's a long, long climb...going back in time..." in the song "Climb" from her 2017 album "Native Invader".

This song has immensely helped my own healing. In the process it has led my thoughts recently to how the word "Climb" usually indicates upward and forward. However, through the lens of healing, as demonstrated in the song, a climb can definitely go backward as well.

By doing the inner work in the present, we really are simultaneously climbing backward into the past, and forward into the future.

As I see it in my mind's eye, we are in the present, excavating the soil, dirt, rocks of our past...tilling it...and planting seeds of the future all in the same moments.

To me, this demonstrates Simultaneous Time.

Another artistic representation of Time being Nonlinear, as well as Simultaneous, that I relate to, is found in The Sandman: Overture Grahic Novel Miniseries Issue 4, Written by Neil Gaiman - Illustrated by J.H.Williams III. (Prequel to The Sandman Graphic Novel Series).

Link to the above mentioned series on Neil's website here:

(Please explore his extensive body of work, you won't regret it!)

In the next two images, Morpheus, The Dream King, has traveled to see his Father (Time) in his own realm, to ask for help. To me, the setting and their interactions display the theories.

In this first image, I see Nonlinear Time demonstrated by Dream becoming unsure of his own memories as he enters and travels through his Father's realm. He can no longer tell if they have happened, are currently happening, or are yet to occur. There is no solid consecutive order anymore.

In this second image, Simultaneous Time is demonstrated by Father Time's appearance. As he interacts with his son Dream, he is constantly changing from a young boy, to a middle aged man, to an elderly man in a random pattern.

To me, this indicates that the versions all exist together simultaneously.

In honor of being in the present, planting seeds of the future, in the soil of the past...

For May, I'm running a 3 Oracle Card Special Past, Present, and Future Spread for $33.33. Your reading will be delivered via email within 3 business days. Let's celebrate Time as being much more expansive than most people think and take a look some different perspectives!

Email us at to claim Jess's Past, Present, and Future Oracle Card Reading offer!


Did you know that we have a complimentary, private Sea Goddess Community on Facebook?!

Join this group of like-minded people and the growing Sea Goddess Healing Arts tribe!


We hope you've enjoyed this month's theme and all of our contributions. Wishing you the mightiest May!

If you're in the South Jersey area, join us for our next

Soul Space ~ Wellness Night at Spa Day Luxe in EHT!

Space is limited and fills up quickly! Register soon to secure your spot.


Our next Sea Goddess Healing Arts Online Soul Circle on

Tuesday, 5/30 at 7:30 pm (EDT).

Have you ever wanted to sit down and hold space with the Sea Goddess Healing Arts team?

Well, now you can! Join us for our May virtual Soul Circle!

During our online Soul Circles you'll receive:

🌟 Guided meditation/Soul Inquiry

🌟 Energy Healing from the Sea Goddesses

🌟 Group Readings

🌟 Astro Weather Update

🌟 Virtual Altar

🌟 Open discussion and Q&A with the Sea Goddesses

Share whatever is on your heart or mind and ask us anything!

Soul Circles are held on Zoom. Limited Capacity. Energy Exchange $11.11.

Unable to join live? No worries! The circle will be recorded and available the next day for registrants to download.


Find out more about all of our many upcoming classes, workshops and events! We have both in-person and online offerings, and have recently added a new, downloadable classes section

to our Classes page.

We're vending at the C.R.O.P.S. Spring Markets (5/6, 5/20 and 5/27) featuring all of our physical products - new, hand-crafted crystal jewelry, Orgone Energy jewelry and pieces, Aromatherapy products including our new Immerse Bath Salts and Goddess/Neptune Strength! Natural Deodorant, Crystals, Sage, unique artwork and much more!

Come by and meet us in-person!

Click below for all details and information.

With Love, Light & Gratitude,

The Sea Goddess Healing Arts Team


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