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Sea Goddess Healing Arts Soul Broadcast ~ September 2023 ~ Reaping the Rewards of Harvest Season

Writer's picture: Sea Goddess Healing ArtsSea Goddess Healing Arts

Updated: May 1, 2024

Hello Soul Garden Members! Welcome to September's Soul Broadcast!

Our collective intention is to share with you topics and information relevant to current energies, the Healing Arts, tools and modalities, and whatever our Souls are wishing to share with you every month.

This month's theme is Reaping the Rewards of Harvest Season.

We hope you love and find this monthly offering helpful, and a great resource in your own healing journey.

Thank you for tuning into your hearts and our collective Soul space.


Harvest Season

by Mandee Elam

(Medicine Woman of the Soul/Co-Founder and GIC at Sea Goddess Healing Arts)

Harvesting is something that we do throughout the year in many different ways. We harvest food, knowledge, energy, resources and so much more. Physically, during the Fall Season we harvest our crops. Whatever we can't consume at this time, we try to preserve and save for later so that it can sustain us in the future. We get to see brilliant colors. We get to taste and smell exquisite fruits, vegetables, and herbs. We get to feel the warmth of the sunlight, watch steam rise after a cool rain, and feel the pulsing of the earth on our bare feet longer than usual. If you're someone who enjoys capitalizing on the healing potentials of this energy, I invite you to consider a Rainbow Cleanse.

A Rainbow Cleanse is when you pick a day of the week to start. If you can start on the day of the week you were born, that can be potent. I was born on a Saturday, so I try to start my cleanse on a Saturday. Each day of the week represents a color of the rainbow and a chakra. So day one is red, day two is orange, day three is yellow etc. What you want to do is eat only fruits and veggies of that color for that day. By the time you get to day seven, you'll have done a 7-day cleanse based on the colors of the chakras. Fasting and cleansing is so important. It helps us to clear out whatever is going on in our mind, body and energetic field.

Like all animals, we are subject to parasites, overgrowth, bacterias and things that may no longer be serving us. Just as the trees drop their leaves, we too must tune up our vessels for the upcoming seasons. Trees grow leaves to absorb sunlight during their growth period. When it's time for the tree to start preparing for winter and not growing anymore, it cuts off the water supply to the leaves. It says thank you for helping me during the growth phase. I no longer need you and I now close the door. It shuts the water off to the leaves. The leaves then change color and eventually drop to the Earth to decompose and be repurposed. It's vital we do this in our lives as well. Whether it's cleaning out our bodies with the food that we eat, decluttering our homes and spaces, or making room in our minds for thoughts that serve us more, each little step will serve you in serving yourself while preparing for the change in season.

To hold soul space with me, please check out my page on our website.


Looking UP in Awe and Wonder

Nostalgia and Harvesting Figs

by Ursula Duffy

(Co-Founder and GOO at Sea Goddess Healing Arts, Professional Astrologer and Certified Aromatherapist/Founder, Ursa Alchemy)

Harvested Figs Picture by Ursula

As the season shifts from Summer to Autumn, this time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere is associated with harvesting, or reaping, processing and storing all of the bounty grown during the Spring and Summer months. September’s Full Moon is known as the Harvest Moon and Virgo Season (roughly August 23rd - September 23rd) also occurs and reflects the overall vibe of the harvest season and this time of transition. The Cosmos have been asking us to go within for the past several months, continuing into the Autumn season. The primary themes are steeped in our hearts and our minds, and how we can heal and shift more deeply into those spaces of ourselves to purify and determine what bounty lies within.

July’s Soul Broadcast topic was Tending Our Gardens. When I reflect back on what I wrote then about purposefully leaving a field fallow, I realize that now, during the harvest season, my reaping is an inside job. Something unexpected happened over the weekend that truly brought many things into focus.

My husband and I were visiting with my in-laws Saturday night. Their neighbor knocked on the door with a bowl in her hands; she was delivering figs she had just picked from the fig trees on her property. She ended up staying for a while and told us the story of the fig trees, and how her grandfather had planted them decades ago. My father-in-law also has fig trees, one that my husband and I nurtured from a seedling and then planted there, and we harvested figs with him yesterday. We had a fig tree in the backyard where I grew up, which was planted by my grandfather.

Receiving the figs harvested by a caring neighbor, harvesting the figs myself with my father-in-law, also a grandfather, and remembering the figs I enjoyed so much as a child, from the tree planted by my own grandfather all brought such a warmness and nostalgia to my heart. Although my own field this season is fallow and being regenerated, what a gift to receive the bounty from trees that have been tended by generations. The reaping for me this season is within my own heart and Soul, of memories and love and the leathery hands of Italian grandfathers that planted fig trees on Absecon Island, still fruiting, feeding and nourishing the bodies and Souls of generations. We continue this season on the inward journey, and begin to integrate, reflect on and process any of the heartache, grief and/or sorrow that have been part of the experience. Remember to stay in touch with your Soul and your heart, and offer gratitude to those who came before us, the generations of family who tended their own gardens so that we are able to have our own.

Click below to explore all of my offerings and opportunities to

Live in Touch with Your Soul. Now would be an ideal time to dive in and to explore where the Venus and Mercury Retrogrades are happening in your own chart.

Happy Birthday Virgo & Libra!

Have you ever had a Solar Return Astrology Reading? It provides an in-depth forecast of the energy and themes of your personal year ahead.

Use coupon code SOLARRETURN to save $20 on the Sun's Return Reading!

With Love & Nostalgic Blessings,


Shadow Twerk Fall Back Edition

with Lexi Duquette

(Mermaid in the Mountains)

Back by popular demand! Join Mandee Elam and Lexi Duquette for a 13 week deep dive into your shadow work! Shadow work is worth the investment of your time and energy. It sounds scary, but really it is an opportunity to heal what's blocking you and to begin walking toward the light at the end of the tunnel.

Each week you will receive a Lesson and Shadow TwerkOut to add to your personal toolbox, while being held by others working on their shadows.

Join live in class or learn from the recording at your leisure.

Special savings for Soul Garden Members!

Use coupon code: TWERKOUTSG for $22 off!


Reaping The Harvest, And The Importance Of Gratitude

by Jess Himmel

(Modern Day Mary Poppins, Intuitive Artist (Orgone Original Works) & Energy Reader/Medium)

Priestess Of Light Oracle Deck

"When you receive this card, you are being put on notice that your Harvest is coming. There is a project or goal to which you have devoted much effort and attention, you are about to reap the reward."

The Fruits of Our Efforts

This Labor Day Weekend, I looked back on Summer, while pulling most of my garden for the season. I remembered to thank each plant for growing, and giving vegetables as I pulled it. This Summer I tilled the soil, planted the seeds, tended the plants, and reaped the Harvest. I thank and pull the plants, then prepare the soil for the Winter.

Also in our lives, we plant seeds, tend them, and reap the harvest. We reap the fruits of our actions. One way to help ensure your harvest is good, is to plant seeds of Gratitude. In the above Harvest Card, the Priestess knows that her own efforts and intentions are part of the ongoing abundance that Nature provides. Staying in an energy of Gratitude will attract more reasons to be grateful.

Dream Weaver's Oracle Deck By Collette Baron-Reid

"When The Birds Sing Gratitude"

-Gratitude as the essential power of manifestation, the Law Of Praise, saying thanks in advance of goodness-

When the Birds Sing Gratitude Oracle Card Guidance

Learning to hold the energy of Gratitude before the good result is a demonstration of trust and faith. This is one key to positive manifestation and bountiful Harvest.

In her song "Golden" Jill Scott sings:

"Livin' my life like it's golden, golden..

I'm taking my own freedom,

Putting it in my song..

Singing loud and strong,

Grooving all day long.."

She's living her life like it's Golden, therefore it IS Golden.

She's owning it as already golden, singing it loud and ends up happy

and more grateful.

-Golden By Jill Scott-

This is also a good time to take stock as the leaves will turn red and golden, another year moves towards a close and we approach the Autumnal Equinox. It's important to give thanks for all we have, gather what we need as we look towards home and longer, darker nights. Autumn Harvest brings gifts of bounty for those who plant and tend seeds of Goodness with Gratitude.

I hope this season finds you Reaping A Harvest of Blessings and Living Your Life Like It's Golden! If you'd like to share space with me for a reading please reach out through our website or social media!

Love Always,



We hope you've enjoyed this month's theme and all of our contributions. Wishing you a beautiful September and Harvest season!

Thank you for being a member of our Soul Garden Tribe!


With Love, Light & Gratitude,

Mandee, Ursula, Lexi and Jess


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