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Sea Goddess Healing Arts Soul Broadcast ~ October 2023 ~ Maintaining Balance During Eclipse Season

Writer's picture: Sea Goddess Healing ArtsSea Goddess Healing Arts

Updated: May 1, 2024

Hello Soul Garden Members! Welcome to October's Soul Broadcast!

Our collective intention is to share with you topics and information relevant to current energies, the Healing Arts, tools and modalities, and whatever our Souls are wishing to share with you every month.

This month's theme is Maintaining Balance During Eclipse Season.

We hope you love and find this monthly offering helpful, and a great resource in your own healing journey.

Thank you for tuning into your hearts and our collective Soul space.


Allowing the Eclipses to Build a Bridge to Balance

by Mandee Elam

(Medicine Woman of the Soul/Co-Founder and GIC at Sea Goddess Healing Arts)

The concept of things being eclipsed out can sound terrifying, however if we trust the magic of the cosmos, things often work out better than we can imagine. Sometimes it's leaving a job, a relationship, or a sudden loss that you weren't expecting creating the eclipse. There's going to be moments where you let go of a job, or are released from a relationship that you thought was going great. Those moments, where you feel like your life got turned upside down and you don't know why. You feel blame and don't think you did anything to deserve it. It's not about deserving it. It's about allowing the universe to have your back and realign what's best for you and your highest good. Especially when you can't consciously see it.

I'm a big fan of using balance as a medicine during these chaotic times. When you're not sure what to do, where to go, or how to stand, falling back on simple practices that maintain our balance, can be what builds the bridge to your future. It's showing up for yourself with action. Moving through the madness. Going for walks, doing yoga, breathing a little bit, eating some decent food, getting sleep, while trusting in the unknown. One of my favorite ways to balance is when I'm doing dishes, chores, or brushing my teeth. I usually have the opportunity to just stand on one foot and then the other and stand on one foot and then the other. Back and Forth. I can feel the strength and balance building in just a few seconds. When things in life suddenly get ripped apart for me, I now see it as a bold act of trust, and as an unseen blessing, that I know is there for me and for my highest good. It can be hard and it can be a little brutal at times, however I promise that if you allow the unseen forces to support you, they will.

Since it's Eclipse season and the Dragons are some of the Eclipse Spirit Guardians, I want to share that I've been taking the supplement Dragon's Blood. It comes from the Croton Lechleri Tree which is found in the rainforests of the Amazon. The tree sap has a very dark red, almost blood-like color. These trees have been used by indigenous tribes for thousands of years and gained the nickname Dragon's Blood Trees. Dragon's blood helps with skin health, its antimicrobial, antioxidant, helps promote collagen production, can help with healing wounds, is moisturizing, soothing to burns, and supports regeneration. If it calls to you, perhaps do a little research and see if it can support you as well.

Want to hold soul space this month?

Use the coupon code “mandeelive” for 50% off.


Looking UP in Awe and Wonder

An October to Observe and Connect

by Ursula Duffy

(Co-Founder and GOO at Sea Goddess Healing Arts, Professional Astrologer and Certified Aromatherapist/Founder, Ursa Alchemy)

Image: Sinitta Leunen on Unsplash

It comes around twice a year. The last one was in the Spring (March - May). It’s always a time of shifts, subtle Soul downloads, receptivity and visits from elementals. The “it” is Eclipse Season and the “elementals” are dragons. What?! I know, I know…however, it all starts to make sense when we take the time to reflect and to connect. Connect the dots, connect the timelines, connect the themes and connect with our personal dragon guide and journey.

Eclipse Seasons occur whenever the Sun nears one of the Nodes of the Moon. The Nodes are invisible points in the sky, or “shadow planets”, that indicate the intersection points of the orbits of the Sun and the Moon. There’s a North Node and a South Node. The North Node represents the path forward, Soul’s growth and themes/lessons that will assist us in our ascension journey. The South Node represents the past, what we’re releasing and surrender/letting go. The North Node is also known as Rahu, the head of a dragon, and the South Node Ketu, the tail of a dragon. The dragon energies are inherent to the energies of the Nodes, which is why this specific elemental energy is usually present during Eclipse Seasons. We are all born with Nodes of the Moon in our birth charts, which is a very personal journey, and they are also ever present in the Cosmos, ticking through the zodiac and changing signs every ~18 months, which affects everyone collectively.

The Nodes shifted signs in mid-July. We began the year with the North Node in the sign of Taurus and the South Node in the sign of Scorpio (since late 2021). The North Node is now in the sign of Aries and the South Node is now in the sign of Libra. The vibe is very different and this means that the Eclipses will also be shifting to these signs. This is a year of transition. Back in the Spring, the first Eclipse was a Solar one on April 20th in Aries and the second one on May 5th was a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. This season there will be a Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14th and a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28th. The “Eclipse Season” begins with the New or Full Moon before the first Eclipse, and closes with the New or Full Moon after the last Eclipse. This year is relatively “normal” with four Eclipses total, however there can be more! This Season’s opener was Friday’s Aries Full Moon (9/29) and the Season closer will be the Scorpio New Moon (11/13).

All of October will be a time to pay very close attention to what’s coming into your life and particularly, what’s falling away or being “eclipsed” out. It’s a time to observe and be keenly aware of what the subtle nudges are whispering to your Soul. It’s not necessarily a time to act, unless necessary. The action comes on the other side during integration time. It is a perfect time to connect with your dragon, if you haven’t already. Our guided meditation this month will assist you with this, if you choose, as well as Jess’s custom Dragon Orgone offering. I connected with my dragon during a personally significant Eclipse Season back in 2017. You can read that story here in last year’s November Soul Broadcast.

If you’re familiar with your natal chart, you’ll know where to look (find the Aries/Libra axis). This is where the personal journey is focused. If you’re not familiar with your chart, information can be gleaned by reflecting back on what was happening in your life ~18.5 years ago (late 2004 - mid 2006). This was the last time the North Node was in Aries, the South Node was in Libra and the Eclipses were occurring in these spaces of your natal chart. ~9 years ago (Spring 2014 - late 2015) can also provide some clues; the Nodes were reversed then with the North Node in Libra and the South Node in Aries, but still present in the same spaces of your natal chart. If you have any natal planets in Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn, it’s especially important to pay attention.

Are any themes repeating?

I’ll be covering each Eclipse in detail during the Astro-Weather Checks at the beginning of every Becoming Chiron Podcast Episode; stay tuned for October’s upcoming episodes. All episodes are available on your favorite podcast app, on our website and on our YouTube channel here.

If you’re called to dive deeper into your personal Eclipse Season journey, I’m honored to offer an exclusive natal chart reading coupon to all Soul Garden members. Use code ECLIPSESG to save $44 on a 60-Minute Birth Day Sky Astrology reading with me! Expires at the end of November.

Happy Birthday Libra & Scorpio!

Have you ever had a Solar Return Astrology Reading? It provides an in-depth forecast of the energy and themes of your personal year ahead.

Use coupon code SOLARRETURN to save $20 on the Sun's Return Reading!

Eclipse Season Blessings to All!


Trusting in the Process of Eclipse Season

by Lexi Duquette

(Mermaid in the Mountains)

As I sit here listening to Bonnie Tyler’s song Total Eclipse of the Heart I couldn’t help but break out into the most dramatic lip sync performance of my LIFE….. I mean try listening to this song without singing along…. Is it even possible?!?

With entering Eclipse Season, these lyrics resonated in a different way than normal. Bonnie may have been singing about a relationship with a man but this time around the song felt more like an ode to Eclipse Season.

“Once upon a time, I was falling in love,

But now I'm only falling apart.

There's nothing I can do.

A total eclipse of the heart.

Once upon a time, there was light in my life,

But now there's only love in the dark.

Nothing I can say.

A total eclipse of the heart.

The total eclipse of the heart.”

As Eclipse season can be a supercharged intense, chaotic, life changing time filled with endings, beginnings, connections and disconnections, it can be quite overwhelming. I already hear so many people (and myself) saying they feel like everything is falling apart and wondering what is going on?!? Why do things feel so darkly doom and gloom?!? It becomes all too easy to fall into a victim mindset during these times wondering why are these things happening TO us when we should be realizing they are ultimately happening FOR US. To our Higher Self it’s these exact tough times where the growth, realignment and lessons happen. These are the moments that lead to our Soul’s most epic up-leveling. It’s easier said than done to allow for things to fall apart and trust in the process, but when you do and you stop fighting against and allow for the natural process of Eclipse Season to Eclipse away all that no longer serves you, YOU will ultimately be rewarded in the end. Remember sometimes we need things to fall apart in order to make room for something even better. Allow what needs to fall away so you can make room for what’s to come.

Most of all, Remember “Bright Eyes” “ I know there's no one in the universe as magical and wondrous as you.”


Meeting Dragons and Finding Balance...My Personal Orgone Energy Soul Dragon Story

by Jess Himmel

(Modern Day Mary Poppins, Intuitive Artist (Orgone Original Works) & Energy Reader/Medium)

Custom Personal Soul Dragon by Jess Himmel

My work with the Dragon Energies started very much by accident, a few years ago. They found me when I needed them most, and were definitely unexpected. I was feeling very unbalanced in a lot of ways and can thank them for help finding a sure path again. I had zero experience working with Dragons, and didn't know much about them at all. As an Intuitive Artist, Medium, and Orgonite maker, I had previously worked with lots of different energetics but never Dragons.

A few years ago, I reached a point of (perceived) crisis, and had finally given in to complete surrender. I had no option, but to give it all up to The Universe to sort out. In the moments of surrender, I put out a very conscious and general call for help. I called in and invited any supportive, loving energy that wanted to show up for me....Ancestors, The Fae, Earth, Gods, Goddesses, Animal Spirit...WHOEVER, WHATEVER...I didn't care. I just knew I needed help restoring balance from somewhere.

A few days later, I received a silicone Dragon mold as a birthday gift from a friend. It was a beautiful Dragon with big wings, I couldn't wait to try it out! It felt important to make an Orgone piece with it right away. It was a new and interesting feeling making the first Dragon piece...I easily chose the stones and colors while songs came through that wanted to be played. The whole thing basically formed itself with ease. I wrote the songs down and played them as they came in. The energy behind creating it was very warm and powerful. I realized that the songs ran along a common theme, which was The Sun.

The first Orgone Dragon piece had formed and revealed itself as a Sun Dragon. When it was finished, I posted a photo and ingredient list on both my personal and business Facebook pages. Within 10 minutes, a woman had messaged me that she needed it, that she knew it was for her. I had a conversation with her, reached a price and set up shipping, etc. I updated the post that The Sun Dragon had sold. In a half hour, there were 5 more people wanting one of their own.

I felt excited but also overwhelmed. It was a very big energy that came through while making the piece and I wasn't sure what was going on. I decided to sit in meditation and see if an answer would come. I was enveloped by a fiercely powerful, yet warm, gentle and loving energy. Visually, it was beautiful colors and light that swirled and wrapped itself around me. The energy revealed to me that it was The Dragon Collective coming in to help. I had called them in myself! It was The Dragons who had answered my prayer and came to help. I was shocked, because I had never really given them much thought or attention. Maybe that's why they are who showed up. I asked the Energy what was going on, what I was supposed to do, etc. I was shown that I was the maker to whom people's personal Soul Dragons would manifest from the Spiritual, into the Physical, as Orgone Energy Pieces. I got pretty specific instructions on how to continue. For example, each Soul Dragon energy already belongs to someone, so they won't be pre-made and sold in my shop. They are strictly custom works for those who seek them. A few have come through with added aspects like songs, each comes with one matching Dragon "Egg" magnet and all stones and colors are chosen through my connection to a person's individual energy field and their Soul Dragon energy. Specific colors, stones or healing intentions are always welcome.

Since the first Orgone Dragon piece, I've made over 50 more who have flown all over the world to multiple countries. It's always exciting when their energy visits…usually in warm, inspired waves.

For the month of October, in honor of Eclipse Season, I've opened up space for new orders. They are eagerly waiting to be manifested into the physical world by and for you! Invite the powerful, balancing energy of your Personal Soul Dragon into your life, they can't wait to connect! Below are some examples of the growing Dragon Family, Pricing and Soul Garden Coupon Offer!



Custom Personal Soul Dragons are $65 including shipping inside the Continental US (International shipping is individually calculated).

20% off coupon for Soul Garden Members!


Please allow up to 10 business days for creation and shipping (inside US).


We hope you've enjoyed this month's theme and all of our contributions. Wishing you a transformative, yet balanced, October and Eclipse Season!

Thank you for being a member of our Soul Garden Tribe!


With Love, Light & Gratitude,

Mandee, Ursula, Lexi and Jess


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